AICS: al fianco della Giordania per una pubblica amministrazione più forte










L’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS) è orgogliosa di essere un partner chiave nel progetto “Sostegno all’Istituto della Pubblica Amministrazione della Giordania” (IPA), che mira a migliorare la capacità e l’efficacia della pubblica amministrazione giordana. Realizzato dall’Organizzazione Europea di Diritto Pubblico (EPLO) in collaborazione con la Scuola Nazionale di Amministrazione Italiana (SNA), il progetto ha già ottenuto risultati significativi nel suo primo anno di attività.

Principali successi:

Oltre 1.670 dipendenti pubblici giordani hanno già beneficiato della formazione
Lancio del Leadership Program presso l’IPA
Sviluppo del primo Diploma in Pubblica Amministrazione e Policy Making in Giordania
Erogazione di programmi di formazione sulla trasformazione digitale e sulla gestione dei progetti
Creazione di un Innovation Lab all’interno dell’IPA

AICS è impegnata a sostenere lo sviluppo e la prosperità della Giordania: riteniamo che una pubblica amministrazione forte sia essenziale per fornire servizi efficaci ai cittadini e promuovere la crescita economica. Siamo orgogliosi di collaborare con IPA, EPLO e SNA per raggiungere questo obiettivo.

19 Maggio – Online gli atti della prima Conferenza regionale sulla Salute Mentale

Questa pubblicazione presenta gli atti della prima Conferenza regionale sulla Salute Mentale che si è svolta presso il Mar Morto in Giordania il 2 e 3 ottobre 2019, con il patrocinio di Sua Altezza Reale la Principessa Muna Al Hussein.

La conferenza è stata aperta dal Titolare della sede AICS di Amman Michele Morana, dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Giordania Fabio Cassese, dal Ministro della Salute in Giordania Saad Jaber, dal Direttore AICS Luca Maestripieri, dalla Presidente della Commissione per gli affari esteri e dell’UE della Camera dei deputati italiana Marta Grande, e da Maria Cristina Profili, rappresentante dell’OMS in Giordania. Le osservazioni conclusive sono state presentate da Giorgio Marrapodi, Direttore Generale della Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS).

In linea con la strategia consolidata della Cooperazione italiana nella regione MENA per promuovere dialogo regionale, apprendimento, collaborazione e azioni coordinate, la Titolare della sede AICS di Beirut, Donatella Procesi, e la Titolare della sede AICS di Gerusalemme, Cristina Natoli, hanno partecipato alla conferenza.

L’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo desidera esprimere un sincero ringraziamento all’OMS in Giordania e alla Console d’Italia a Erbil Serena Muroni ,per l’eccellente supporto fornito nell’organizzazione della conferenza.

Leggi di più: “Strengthening Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Systems – a Regional Perspective”

Italy and UNRWA sign EUR 1.5 million agreement for provision of health care to Palestine refugees in Jordan

Amman, 9 July 2020 – The Ambassador of Italy to Jordan, H.E. Mr. Fabio Cassese and the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Jordan, Mr. Mohammed Adar, signed on 9 July 2020 an EUR 1.5 million contribution to support to UNRWA health programme in Jordan. Financed by the Government of Italy through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), this project will ensure uninterrupted access to medical services provided at the UNRWA Nuzha Health Centre for over 85,000 Palestine refugees living in the area. The project will also ensure that the more than 17,500 Palestine refugees from Syria (PRS) in Jordan, including individuals residing in King Abdullah Park, will continue to receive adequate health care including primary, secondary and tertiary services over the next two years.

The signing ceremony, held at the UNRWA Nuzha Health Centre, in north Amman, was attended by the Italian Ambassador to Jordan, H.E. Fabio Cassese, First Secretary of the Italian Embassy, Ms. Valeria Romare, Head of AICS Amman Office, Mr. Michele Morana, AICS Head of Humanitarian programmes, Mr. Antonio Bottone and H.E. Eng. Rafiq Khirfan, Director-General, Department of Palestinian Affairs (DPA).

Speaking at the ceremony, H.E. Ambassador Cassese said: “With this new funding the Italian Government confirms its support to Jordan’s efforts in favour of the most vulnerable people.” The Ambassador also referred to the continued endeavour of Italy in response to the refugee crisis and in sustaining the health sector. “The Italian Government’s grant is aimed to support the assistance activities provided by UNRWA to a population affected by the prolonged crisis and a protracted displacement, in line with Italy’s contribution to global health based on the principles of universal and equitable access to care,” he said.

Expressing satisfaction of the favourable development of the Italian Cooperation’s input in providing assistance to Palestine refugees displaced by the Syria crisis to Jordan, AICS Amman Director Michele Morana highlighted the relevance of the new partnership with UNRWA in Jordan, and added: “The situational status of PRS now living in their second host country results in vulnerability issues affecting PRS around access to economic opportunities, livelihoods and healthcare. Through this initiative, the Italian Cooperation intends to foster the resilience of Palestine refugees through improved accessibility and availability of healthcare services.”

The Director of UNRWA Affairs in Jordan, Mr. Mohammed Adar expressed his gratitude by saying: “On behalf of UNRWA, I thank the Government of Italy for their generous support towards our health programme in Jordan at this time of great need. This contribution will help us ensure the provision of health care which directly contributes towards the human development of Palestine refugees, including Palestine refugees from Syria.”

UNRWA operates a network of 25 health centres and four mobile dental clinics in Jordan, offering comprehensive outpatient primary health care to some 2.2 million registered Palestine refugees in Jordan.

WEBINAR: The Italian Cooperation and the Sustainable Cultural Tourism as an opportunity for local development in the framework of the Agenda 2030 in Jordan

AICS Amman at the Sustainable Development Festival on Tuesday, Oct 6, 10:00 am (Rome time)

The Sustainable Development Festival represents a further step to encourage Italy to achieve the 2030 Agenda. The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), that brings together over 270 organizations from the economic and social spheres, organizes the Festival together with its members and with the support of the partners and tutors, over a period of 17 days, as many as the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. The initiative constitutes a single widespread and inclusive event, comprising hundreds of events organized throughout the national territory.

The Webinar focuses on discussing the complex relations between culture, heritage, sustainability and tourism. It displays the different methods and trending strategies for preserving, spreading, and improving cultural and architectural heritage for the following decades. Provided that the tourism sector is becoming more and more willing to engage in the sustainable development scheme, key concepts and topics shape this Webinar’s agenda starting with different interventions in Jordan funded by the Government of Italy.

“Sustainable cultural tourism is the integrated management of cultural heritage and tourism activities in conjunction with the local community creating social, environmental and economic benefits for all stakeholders, to achieve tangible and intangible cultural heritage conservation and sustainable tourism development”.

From the beginning of time, human movement and settlement patterns were solely dependent on basic human needs such as food, water, and trade. Today, and as we progressed into the 20th and 21st Centuries, these factors continue to influence patterns of the diaspora in different forms and with different motivations such as education, social betterment, and financial restrictions that were all usually coupled with necessity. However, in the contemporary and developed world, essential travel developed into a widespread activity of the masses supported by diverse services. As a leisure activity, Tourism represents an exchange of culture and plays a significant role in understanding the world we live in. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015 by the United Nations, the international development agenda refers to culture for the first time. The safeguarding and promotion of culture is an end in itself, and at the same time it contributes directly to many of the SDGs — safe and sustainable cities, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, the environment, promoting gender equality and peaceful and inclusive societies. The indirect benefits of culture are accrued through the culturally-informed and effective implementations of the development goals. In recent times, the inter-relationships between tourism, culture, and heritage have been the center of discussion at both national and international levels. Yet, there remains a need to better comprehend this link existing between culture and natural environment as a way of protecting and re-creating its resources. This link between culture, environment, heritage, society, and economics, known as the inextricable link, forms the basis of sustainable development and cultural tourism. With a current failure to put theory into practice and words into action, there is a persistent need for practical solutions to achieve sustainable cultural tourism. The Webinar on “Sustainable Cultural Tourism as an opportunity for local development” focuses on discussing the complex relations between culture, heritage, sustainability and tourism. It displays the different methods and trending strategies for preserving, spreading, and improving cultural and architectural heritage for the following decades. It focuses also on addressing the existing tensions in the assessment of cultural meanings and values to better understand tourism in the context of and in relation to preservation and sustainable development of cultural diversity and heritage resources. Provided that the tourism sector is becoming more and more willing to engage in the sustainable development scheme, key concepts and topics shape this Webinar’s agenda starting with different intervention in Jordan funded by the Government of Italy. Heritage sites cannot be managed in isolation. Tourism functions through a long supply chain and there is a range of transportation, accommodation, information and tour operation services that are delivered before a tourist actually arrives at the gate of a heritage site; tourism can be influenced at any of these points. Cooperation must take place to combine forces, so as to build capacity to deal with the growing visitor management pressures in a rich country of cultural heritage sites like Jordan.

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