AICS and UNOPS Partner to Rehabilitate the Basic Services for Returnees in Sinjar, Iraq

Baghdad, March 11, 2021 – The Italian Cooperation and UNOPS launched a new project to support the Government of Iraq in rehabilitating basic services to returnees in Sinjar.

The project will support the Government of Iraq in rehabilitating the basic water services for returnees in Sinjar district in Iraq, through a partnership with the Government of Italy. The project will contribute to achieving the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Iraq: Post-conflict transition towards durable solutions by supporting access to basic services to increase the resilience of returnees in target locations.

Since 2018, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) office in Amman has also been responsible for implementing international cooperation initiatives in Iraq. “Our support has focused on the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI) and neighbouring areas such as the Ninewa plains, which experienced high rates of return after the massive displacement of the resident population,” said the Head of AICS Amman office Mr. Michele Morana. “This project comes in line with the Italian Cooperation’s aid priorities targeting the health and protection sectors in the Country, as it addresses immediate recovery and aims to improve accessibility, inclusiveness and quality of basic services for minorities and local communities”.

“The Government of Italy fully supports the urgent need to rebuild Sinjar, through the restoration of basic services as key to incentivizing the return of still displaced people. Every effort should also be taken to reintegrate returnees within their communities and provide them with tangible support to rebuild their lives” said the Ambassador of Italy to Iraq Bruno Antonio Pasquino.

“Thanks to the support from the Italian Cooperation, UNOPS is able to lend a hand to the people returning to Sinjar District in Iraq. Access to water supplies is one of the many challenges faced by returnees and their families. The rehabilitation of basic services in the district will contribute to improving Sinjar water infrastructure and eventually improving people’s lives.” said Mr. Muhammad Usman Akram, the Director of UNOPS Operational Hub in Amman.

Through this project, the targeted populations will benefit from improved and rehabilitated basic water facilities. UNOPS will focus on the improvement of water services in Sinjar district. The main focus would be to rehabilitate damaged water facilities, such as potable and/or storm water pumps, generators, parts of water treatment units. The intervention will also include innovative technologies, such as renewable and hybrid systems, where applicable, in target locations. It is envisaged that this project will support the Government in its efforts towards the realization of Agenda 2030 and more specifically contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); specifically, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.

Sinjar is one of the four districts in Ninewa that presents a higher severity of needs, whereby the well-being, living standards, and ultimately resilience and recovery capacity of the local communities, as well as their social cohesion and safety, are all severely impacted as a result of unmet needs.

About AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) established the Amman office in July 2016, with the aim of implementing international cooperation initiatives in Jordan and – since 2018 – in Iraq, to improve people’s living conditions, promote sustainable development, promote cultural heritage, strengthen democratic institutions and rule of law, as well as sustain post-conflict stabilization with particular attention to the Syrian crisis.



UNOPS helps the UN and its partners provide peace and security, humanitarian and development solutions. The organization’s mission is to help people build better lives and countries achieve peace and sustainable development. UNOPS services cover infrastructure, project management, procurement, financial management and human resources. Partners call on UNOPS to supplement their own capacities, improve speed, reduce risks, boost cost-effectiveness and increase quality.

UNOPS Operational Hub in Amman covers projects in Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, UAE, and Yemen and implements work in partnership with bilateral donors, national governments and other UN agencies.


Iraq. AICS e UPP a fianco della popolazione di Mosul e Ninive


Al via la terza fase del programma “Salamtak”, finanziato dall’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS) e implementato da Un Ponte Per (UPP) per garantire accesso ai servizi di salute mentale, supporto psicosociale e salute materno-infantile alle famiglie e alle donne della Piana di Ninive.

Erbil, 25 marzo 2021 – Al via la III fase di “Salamtak” (La tua salute), programma di salute mentale, supporto psicosociale e materno-infantile finanziato dall’Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS) e implementato dalla Ong italiana Un Ponte Per (UPP), lanciato nel 2018 per rispondere alle esigenze della popolazione irachena della Piana di Ninive e in particolare della città di Mosul, in Iraq.

L’obiettivo del lavoro di questi anni è stato garantire l’accesso al sistema sanitario, tutelare la salute mentale e riproduttiva delle famiglie e delle donne irachene nell’area occupata a lungo da Daesh (Stato Islamico) e ancora oggi alle prese con un lento e complesso processo di ricostruzione e ritorno alla normalità.
Tra novembre 2019 e dicembre 2020, grazie alla II fase del progetto, 3012 donne e ragazze hanno avuto accesso ai servizi offerti, con ben 1938 sessioni di supporto psicosociale e 6290 persone complessivamente raggiunte dalle nostre campagne di sensibilizzazione.

Fine specifico di questa terza fase sarà migliorare ulteriormente l’accesso ai servizi sanitari primari e secondari per le comunità dell’area, continuando a sostenere il sistema sanitario nazionale nell’ottica di rafforzarlo.

In particolare l’intervento si concentrerà nella città di Mosul, dove sarà costruito un reparto per i servizi di salute mentale e supporto psicosociale all’interno dell’ospedale Al Salam (Mosul Est), e nei Centri di salute primaria di Hermat e Nimrod, dove saranno garantite visite ginecologiche e servizi di salute mentale per le donne. Inoltre proseguirà il sostegno che AICS e UPP garantiscono ormai da anni al Centro di salute polifunzionale “Ma’an Na’ud di Bashiqa, dove ai servizi di salute riproduttiva già garantiti verranno aggiunti quest’anno specifici servizi pediatrici, come richiesto dalla popolazione.

L’intervento, della durata di 10 mesi, prevede di raggiungere un totale di oltre 7.760 persone. Tra queste, quasi 3.000 donne e adolescenti che avranno accesso a servizi di salute riproduttiva e specifiche consulenze pediatriche per i propri figli. Saranno inoltre garantite oltre 1.200 sessioni di supporto psicosociale avanzato individuale e collettivo.

“Salamtak III” si inserisce in un più vasto quadro di interventi che UPP, grazie al prezioso sostegno di AICS, porta avanti in Iraq, ed in particolare nella Piana di Ninive e a Mosul, sin dall’inizio dell’emergenza umanitaria del 2014.