
AICS Uff. ICommunication Guidelines for AICS Partners (ENG, January 2024)2024
AICS Uff. ILinee guida di Comunicazione per i partner di AICS (ITA, gennaio 2024)2024
AICS AmmanAICS Amman in Jordan - brochure 2022
AICS AmmanAICS Rome, Italian Disability and Development Network, Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, AIDOS, AVSI Foundation, ICU, INTERSOS, Un Ponte Per, Vento di Terra Onlus
The inclusion of disability in humanitarian aid: the experience of Italian Cooperation in Jordan
AICS Amman-AICS Amman in Jordan - 2021 | ENG2022
AICS Amman (a cura di)AICS Roma, Rete Italiana Disabilità
e Sviluppo, Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, AIDOS, AVSI, ICU, INTERSOS, Un Ponte Per, Vento di Terra Onlus.
L’inclusione della disabilità nell'aiuto umanitario:
l'azione della Cooperazione italiana in Giordania
| IT
AICS AmmanUNESCO, MoTA, UNOPS, University of Perugia, Firenze, Politecnico of MilanoItalian support on safeguarding cultural heritage in Jordan | ENG2021
AICS Amman-Relazione annuale 2020 | IT2021
AICS Amman-AICS Amman in Jordan - 2020 | ENG2020
AICS AmmanMoH Jordan, WHO"Strengthening Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Systems - a Regional Perspective” Proceedings of the 1st Regional Conference
on Mental Health
AICS AmmanDevelopment and humanitarian aid interventions in Jordan 2019 | ENG2019
AICS Amman-La Cooperazione Italiana e la crisi siriana in Giordania | 2019 | IT
AICS AmmanSyria Crisis | ENG2018
AICS Amman-Water Memory Game | sample cards | ENG-AR2018
AICS AmmanWe Women | Together tackling gender-based disparities | Iraq | ENG2018
AICS AmmanLocal InstitutionsEducation | Sector budget support to the Government of Jordan | ENG2020
AICS AmmanAIDOS, INTERSOSAssistance and support services for Syrian refugees and Jordanians with disabilities | ENG2019
AICS AmmanUNOPS, MoTACreation of a “Regional Institute for Conservation and Restoration (RICR)” in Jerash - Establishment of the Institute | ENG2019
AICS AmmanUNOPS, MoTACreation of a “Regional Institute for Conservation and Restoration (RICR)” in Jerash - Rehabilitation of the building | ENG2019
AICS AmmanFondazione Giovanni Paolo IIPromotion of the agribusiness value chain of Aloe Vera, through the implementation of a pilot project for the follow-up of small producer cooperatives | ENG2019
AICS AmmanCSOsReconstruction and rehabilitation of essential services programme in Jordan | 2019 | ENG2019
AICS AmmanUNOPS, DPAHousing reconstruction in Hitteen Palestinian refugee camp | 2019 | ENG2019
AICS AmmanUNESCOPetra | Royal Tombs – Preserving the cultural heritage and creating job opportunity for youth | ENG2019
AICS AmmanMAECI, AFDMADAD | Resilience & Social CohesIon Programme (RSCP) | ENG2019
AICS AmmanCSOsEmergency initiative supporting Education and Health sector for refugees and Host Communities in Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNESCOPetra | Siq stability – Youth for Conservation and restoration | ENG2018
AICS AmmanLocal InstitutionsSupport to the municipalities affected by the influx of Syrian refugees in Jordan | [PHASE 2] | ENG2018
AICS AmmanLocal InstitutionsSupport to the municipalities affected by the influx of Syrian refugees in Jordan | [PHASE 1] | ENG2018
AICS AmmanRoyal Medical ServicesItalian-Jordanian hospital: providing medical services to people affected by the Syria crisis in Za’atari refugee camp | 2012-ongoing | ENG2018
AICS AmmanWFPContrIButIon to WFP’S General Food assistance to vulnerable Syrian refugees in Jordan | ENG2019
AICS AmmanUNHCRSupport to UNHCR’s cash assistance programme helping Syrian refugees in Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNWomenUNWomen's Eid bi Eid | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanICRCSupport to ICRC Jordan Country Programme | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNIDOCultural and creative industry clusters in the southern mediterranean region | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNICEFSupport to the No Lost generation and health initiatives in Jordan and Syria | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNHCRSupport to UNHCR’S Cash for health programme addressing the health sector in Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanICRCAsylum seekers in dire humanitarian conditions meet their urgent needs through expanded ICRC emergency assistance | 2016 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanLocal InstitutionsWastewater network system extension in Baqa’a Palestinian refugee camp and in Ain Al-Basha – Balqa governorate | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNICEFContribution to HAJATI programme - Integrated social protection & education services enabling all vulnerable children to attend school In Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanUNHCRContribution to UNHCR efforts to enhance access to livelihoods For Syrian refugees In Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanWHOStrengthening the mental health system, Improve access and services for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian population | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanCSOsFrom vulnerability to resilience: actions to improve the living conditions of the Syrian refugees and the host population in Lebanon and Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018
AICS AmmanCSOsSchool for all: enhancing equitable access to quality education opportunities for school-aged children victim of the Syria crisis in Lebanon and Jordan | 2017 | ENG2018

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