Launch of training activities at the Regional Center for Conservation and Restoration (RCCR) of Jerash

Training activities coordinator Prof. Mario Micheli from the University of Roma Tre with two teachers and beneficiaries of the Jordan Department of Antiquities (DoA) at the RCCR


Jerash, Jordan, 1st Nov 2023 – Under the umbrella of the “Creation of the Regional Center for Conservation and Restoration of Jerash” programme financed by the Italian cooperation and implemented in coordination with the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, the Italian University of Roma Tre launched today the first course of the training programme aimed to advance Jordan’s capacities in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

The programme, started in 2019 with the renovation activities carried out by the implementing partner UNOPS (United Nations Office for Projects Services) and the setting up of the building that currently hosts the Institute, supports the efforts of the Jordanian institutions in offering specialized training for the future professionals in the cultural heritage sector.

The mission of the RCCR is to bridge the gap in the specialist training sector in the MENA Region, by providing adequate training for studying, planning and implementing the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, in partnership with national and international Institutions. The training programme, addressing in its first phase selected staff from the Jordan Department of Antiquities (DoA), aims to improve the specialist skills of the beneficiaries in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

Entrusted by AICS to Roma Tre University, training activities in the field of conservation and restoration will be conducted by the University in collaboration with the ‘Central Institute of Restoration of the Italian Ministry of Culture’ and the ‘School Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Activities’. During the first year, training will focus on the conservation and restoration of ceramics and “terracotta”, metals, organic materials, and glass, while in the second year the programme will include training on the conservation and restoration of stone materials and decorated surfaces of architecture and mosaics.

During the second year of the training programme, which will end in mid-2025, former beneficiary students will become trainers according to a Training of Trainers (ToT) scheme.

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